Sap .systemname .transaction .system .info
Sap .systemname .transaction .system .info

sap .systemname .transaction .system .info

Terminates the transaction (corresponds to pressing F15 (=SHIFT-F3) to go back). Terminates current transaction, and starts transaction xzy

sap .systemname .transaction .system .info

SAP basis customizing (IMG = Implementation Management Guide) List of SAP Transaction Codes (= T-Codes, TC)Ĭhange table '&sap_edit' '&sap_no_check' (transaction uase16n)ĭownload from application server to local file

Sap .systemname .transaction .system .info update#

Remark: The usual SAP terminology create, read, update and delete (CRUD) is here abbreviated referred to as change or maintain. Tip: using transaction code SE16, in the SAP table TSTC all transaction codes can be viewd. It covers SAP-FI (banks, payments methods, chart of accounts, posting periods) Workflow, Transports, Spool, SAP Standard Reports, Jobs and Events, Archive Link, User Administration, Workflow, Batch Input, ABAP, the Data Dictionary, and some other SAP basis items.

sap .systemname .transaction .system .info

So, in a "Slow And Painful" (= SAP?) process, I created my own Cheat Sheet (for consultants, developers, users), including the most important SAP transaction codes (functional and technical). Of course, there are many useful lists on the web, but, for one reason or the other, I could not find one overview, which suits my own needs. In the usual help section of SAP, or under tips & tricks, I could not find what I was looking for. When I started to work with SAP I got really mad about all these non-sensical 4 digit SAP transactions.

Sap .systemname .transaction .system .info