Phone number, Photo, Opening hour, Payment method and Map details of Pichon Jeremy inside.

We know that Herbert A Pichon and Lutre M Pichon also lived at this address, perhaps within a different time frame. Pichon Jeremy is a Attorney located in Houma, Louisiana, US. 507 Lee Drv, Slidell, LA 70460-5423 is the current address for Jeremy. Jeremy Pichon First Lieutenant in the Louisiana Army National Guard New Orleans, Louisiana, United States1 connection Join to connect Pichon Law Firm, L.L.C. As well as being a scientific sounding board, he’s also a great collaborator at home and an equal partner in raising our two children. Quick Facts Jeremy celebrated 36th birthday on January 1. We’ve both been on this same career path since graduate school (although my path has not been as straightforward), and are constantly learning from each other. When I was leaving Genentech and uncertain what my next career step would be, she gave me a copy of Sheryl Sandberg’s ‘Lean In’, which was her way of telling me to go for it! And last but not least is my husband. The mentors who have probably had the biggest impact on my scientific career are my thesis advisor, Stuart Firestein, a mentor from Genentech, Joe Lewcock, and my PI at Genentech, Kimberly Scearce-Levie, who taught me a lot about being a successful woman in science. It’s wonderful having a cohort of other early career researchers to turn to and compare notes with.

Here at the NIH, I am lucky to have many mentors – some are more senior investigators, others are peers who are going through a similar career phase. It has been essential, and I have forged lots of mentor-mentee relationships over the years.